At Hummersea we teach children writing skills through a range of high-quality texts that have been carefully selected to hook children in and provide them with rich vocabulary and content to inspire their writing. Each year group follows a comprehensive long-term plan that ensures progression through texts and genres. By the end of Year 6, each child will have been exposed to an ample range of texts and writing genres that they are familiar with and will be able to apply their skills and understand writing can be to entertain, inform, persuade, and discuss.

Through quality first teaching, our children are provided with the opportunity to review, refine and develop skills, building writing stamina and developing experience in writing across a range of genres, for different audiences and purposes. To support children in moving towards independent writing, we provide a wide range of learning opportunities using carefully selected texts, modelled, shared and guided writing, peer assessment, drama and discussion. We provide varied and exciting opportunities for writing for purpose, and we encourage pupils to see themselves as authors and poets. When planning English lessons, links to other areas of the curriculum are utilised providing further context.
Please click on the links below to view our long term writing plans for each year group.
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar
SPaG is taught regularly from Year 1 upwards and is seen as part of writing so emphasis is placed on ensuring that all explicit SPaG content is also taught through our English lessons so children make those important links to develop their writing content and style.
These are taught in daily spelling sessions and there is a focus on a spelling pattern or rule, linked to NC spelling appendix. The children are taught to look carefully at the spelling rule. They then practise spellings that use the spelling rule through a range of activities and apply them in a range of activities too. Spelling is also an important part of our English lessons and emphasis is placed on ensuring that children are using their spelling knowledge confidently within their writing.

Children take part in regular handwriting practise. Handwriting is a practised skill that they take part in daily following our Hummersea progression document. All our children are encouraged to take pride in their work. Early handwriting starts in the foundation stage linking to the Squiggle Whilst We Wiggle and Dough Disco scheme of work. This is then built upon in Year 1 with looking at letter families and using Little Wandle formation rhymes.