School Uniform
Hummersea Primary take pride in how smart our children look and uniform is compulsory. Our uniform provides us with a family identity and a commitment to school.

- Grey/black school trousers, skirt or dress
- White Polo Shirt
- Navy School Jumper or Cardigan
- Black trainers or school shoes
A school sweatshirt (blue) and a polo shirt (white) bearing the school logo are available from school. These have proved to be very hard wearing and are reasonably priced. Any orders with payment can be brought to the school office.
PE Kit – White T-Shirt, Navy/Black shorts and suitable trainers. In the colder months children can wear navy/black tracksuit tops and bottoms.
Nail Varnish/Make-up
Children are not allowed to wear nail varnish or make up of any kind.
Hair Styles
It is advised to keep long hair tied back. Your child must not have patterns shaved into their hair or have coloured hair.
The wearing of jewellery is not allowed in school, it is hazardous and a distraction and temptation to others. However, an increasing number of boys and girls do have pierced ears which means we have formulated separate rules for wearing earrings.
The wearing of earrings
- The school discourages the wearing of earrings but asks if ears are to be pierced that this is done at the beginning of the Summer Holiday to allow ears to heal.
- Earrings are not allowed at the Swimming Baths.
- Children should be able to remove their own earrings as soon as possible for games and P.E.
- If a child cannot remove their own earrings or during the 6-week healing process we suggest earrings are covered by a plaster on P.E. days.
- All earrings must be of a small stud type and the school reserves the right on safety grounds to send children home who wear hoops or dangling earrings.