Please click on the link below to view our PE overview for each year group.
Our PE curriculum follows the National Curriculum, is delivered to a high standard and is adjusted to meet the needs of all children throughout the school. Every class has 2 hours of PE a week. These lessons are delivered by a specialist PE teacher, the class teacher as well as swimming teachers at the local swimming baths.

Substantive knowledge is promoted through the teaching of explicit vocabulary and expert modelling. Children are also exposed to disciplinary knowledge. For example, how breathing rates increase during exercise and strategies to outwit an opponent during games. Each year group is exposed to competitive games both intra-school and inter-school. Lessons are sequenced to provide the children to become increasingly competent and confident in throwing, running, jumping and catching in a range of situations. Throughout these lessons, teachers encourage children to develop a range of solutions to challenges in all areas of PE, including: tactics, gymnastics and dance.
At Hummersea, we have a multi-use games area with built in goal posts units for various types of sports games. For example, football, hockey and tag-rugby. Teachers also have access to a range of high quality, modern PE equipment. As well as this, the children have access to a 1 hour lesson once a week with an experienced PE specialist teacher. All lessons take into consideration the starting points of the children, the steps they need to achieve and how the lessons relate to their disciplinary knowledge.
A typical PE lesson at Hummersea Primary school:
Warm Up: The children take part in a brief warm up relating to either the skills or muscle groups linking to the objective being taught that lesson.
Recap to prior learning: The children will discuss and consolidate both substantive and disciplinary knowledge from their previous learning. They will practise any previously taught skills during this time.
Introduction of new skill: A new skill is introduced through modelling and is then adapted to meet the individual needs of each child.
Practise: The children are given the opportunity to work with adults and their peers to practise the new skill. As the children become more confident applying the new skills, support is gradually removed to promote determination, resilience and pride in line with the school’s values.
Review: At the end of the lesson, the children are encouraged to showcase their new skills to their peers. The children show a mutual respect by being enthusiastic towards other’s successes and achievements.

All PE lessons are designed to have cross-curricular links to many of the subjects taught across school. Every year in the summer term, every child in the school (From our 2 year old provision to year 6) takes part in an intra-school sports day which has been specifically designed for the children to use the skills acquired in their PE lessons. We also work with schools in the local area to provide opportunities for inter-school sports festivals and competitions. Whole school activities are also organised around local and international sporting events in order to promote aspirations and an understanding of other cultures through sport.
In the Early Years, children are introduced to a range of physical skills linking to the school intent. The intent is underpinned by the statutory framework and Development Matters documentation. Our two year old provision introduces simple physical skills such as, exploring movement and mark making. In the nursery, the children have a different focus each half term to develop their skills. For example, moving to music and moving in a range of ways on apparatus. In reception, children are exposed to different skills over each half term to build on their skills and promote independence and confidence when moving around. By the end of EYFS, we aim for children to be equipped with the knowledge and skills ready to access the year 1 curriculum. The intent from Year 1 to Year 6 is carefully designed for each year group to access and improve a range of skills that are regularly revisited with the aim to prepare children for KS3 and the wider world.
Our curriculum is shared with parents to extend their children’s knowledge at home and they are invited into school to celebrate their child’s sporting achievements.
At Hummersea, PE is taught to increase confidence, teach new skills and promote awareness of the importance of physical health. The children will have a broad experience of a range of sports and activities by the time they leave our school and will experience high levels of engagement, enjoyment and enthusiasm during lessons.
The children are observed throughout each lesson to give the teachers a true understanding of their progress. This aids the teacher in planning and developing the children’s future learning.
Hummersea is a family and it is during our PE sessions that staff witness the children believing, achieving and inspiring each other every week. Their resilience and determination is celebrated through the respect and enthusiasm shown by the children during activities. In order to promote these values further, we have our Sports Crew leaders who lead and develop PE activities including sports days and sporting festivals with other schools.