01287 641781 | School Contact: Mrs Barrett |SENDCO: Mrs M Marshall | Head Teacher: Mrs C Grainger | office@hummersea.rac.sch.uk

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Please click on the link below to view our Geography Overview for each year group.

Geography Curriculum Overview

Geography is an important part of our curriculum as we prepare children to understand more about the world they live in. We start educating from a local geography perspective which then broadens out to the wider world and how the physical and human characteristics have impacted the world around them.

The checkpoints for our Geography intent were created from the National Curriculum 2014. Each year group has a selection of objectives that clearly pinpoint the knowledge children will need to gain within the year. This builds on prior knowledge and prepares for future learning. Children will have opportunities to develop skills and fieldwork; gain place knowledge for their locality and the wider world; and investigate their own geographical lines of inquiry. This is with the aim that children will have the belief that they too are Geographers.

Our geographical learning begins the moment children join our school in EYFS and is built upon each year. Skills and knowledge are taught and consolidated in well sequenced lessons throughout their school journey; allowing children time to embed how geography is an integral part of life. Children will learn to read a variety of maps, atlases and globes; recognise features of our world and their impact on humanity; use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present data in engaging ways; and understand and apply technical vocabulary. Hummersea achieves this through use of technology, a range of visits and engaging content that is meaningful to the children.

Geography is taught termly in well sequenced lessons that cater to the needs of all the children. Each lesson is accessible, ensuring that all children can be proud of their achievements, no matter their background or needs. Teachers will use a range of resources including (but not limited to) atlases, maps, iPads, compasses, models, books, videos and any resources they create themselves in order to engage and enthuse children’s learning. Lessons will revisit, teach, apply and review with opportunities for cross curricular engagement available (i.e. writing an information text comparing regions, or measuring the amount of rainfall over a period of time). This is evidenced using photos of experiences/trips, displays, topic/writing books and through pupils’ voices; which is checked regularly to ensure children are utilising all the skills that have been taught throughout their school journey. Some geographical aspects can be, and are, taught using cross-curricular lessons including Science, History, Literacy and Computing. Children will be able to create their own enquiries, gather data/information with the aid of technology, and write non-fiction texts about their findings. Children have opportunities to visit a range of locations to develop fieldwork and skills. These range from their immediate locale to the North East of England (e.g. Saltburn, Middlesbrough, York). This will allow children to broaden their experiences and gain a deeper understanding of our region. We encourage children and their families to explore their local surroundings and experience the joys that our region has to offer.

Geography is paramount to understanding how our world has evolved and progresses through the study of the land and its human development. It enables children to become independent and critical thinkers as they learn to be inquisitive, gaining the tools needed to follow their own enquiries. It broadens children’s horizons, giving them a wider and well-rounded view of the world and its inhabitants, allowing them to make links with history, science, humanities and more.

Children will have begun their journey in EYFS, as they begin to make links to how the world and their lives are connected. This is developed and assessed through hands-on experience and questioning, which prepares the children for a deeper level of learning in Y1. Children continue to add to their knowledge and skill set throughout school by making links to prior learning, following new lines of enquiry and applying their skills. By the end of Primary School, children will have a set of skills that prepares them to continue their geographical journey throughout higher education and their lives.

At Hummersea, we feel proud and accomplished when our children talk about the world they live in confidently. They have a drive to explore the natural world and investigate how humans have interacted with it. They have a sense of responsibility to care for our planet and are able to utilise all of their skills to follow their own questioning.

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